Spring reminds me of

Some moments keep flashing at me. The taxi ride to a mall in Dubai and I got
Out and the warm air hits me. This happened once When my moms there and the second time with a stroller in the trunk. The humidity near water and passing bridges. The newness of pushing myself to do something without realizing it. The cool breeze after a well rested morning. when I come out of the condo in Mauritius taking a seat in a sun bathing chair. I always remember the feel of the air around me weather wise. the clouds I’m on my first day of arriving to a new place. How it envelopes me and makes me a part of that place for that moment-atleast. Those are the foreign moments I remember in spring at times. And here in America the sneezing doesn’t stop. I know it’s spring here when I look out my window and see all the trees blossoming into pink and white blossoms. It’s beautiful too. Oh but the allergies are horrendous despite the meds I need to be on for that lovely month.
Sent from my mPhone

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